Beautiful weather in the forecast for the weekend, highs of 31. Reminder, if you are traveling this weekend it’s always a good idea to check DriveBC for all your highway updates.

Maintenance on Hwy 24 between Holmes Rd and Eagle Island Rd – 4 kms east of Lone Butte to 33 kms west of Little Fort until Monday August 17th. Brushing underway, please watch for the Shadow Vehicle.

Pothole repair on Hwy 97 between Maze Lake Rd and Enterprise Rd. 25 to 17 kms south of 150 Mile House). Until Fri August 14th from 6:00am to 3:30pm on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Road maintenance work. Please watch for traffic control.

There are several crews working on Hwy 97 in the Cariboo that are finishing up today. Please watch for signage and flagging personal.

Iron Horse Pub & Grill is open for dinning in from 11:am – 8:pm Wednesday – Sunday. Today’s special is Steak & Prawns