Sunny skies with cloudy periods in the forecast for the weekend, highs of 21.
Check out DriveBC for all your highway updates.

There are several crews working on Hwy 20 between Williams Lake and Firvale, please watch for the signage and flagging personnel.

Heavy rain on Hwy 1 between Cornwall Rd and Old Cariboo Rd in the Cache Creek area. Potential for debris flows. No stopping during rainfall between Cornwall Rd. & Old Cariboo Rd. Plan for Highway closure in event of heavy rain.

Heavy rain on Hwy 97 between Stephenson Rd and 26 Mile Frontage Rd from Cache Creek to 4 km south of Clinton. Potential for debris flows. No stopping during rainfall between Stephenson Rd. & 26-mile Frontage Rd. 5kms south of Clinton. Plan for highway closure in event of heavy rain

Pavement patching on Hwy 97 between Stormy Rd and Montessa Dr 9 to 16 kms north of 70 Mile House until Thursday July 16th Lane Closure

Construction work on Hwy 97 between Lagerquist Rd and Edmunds Rd – 32 to 36 kms north of Wildwood until Friday July 10th. Single lane alternating traffic. Expect minor delays.

There’s lots of flooding on many of our back roads in the Cariboo, check before you travel.

Sunrise Ford Ltd

Regency Chrysler