Sunshine in the forecast for the next couple of days with possible thunderstorms by the weekend. Check out DriveBC for all your highway updates.

If you’re planning to travel in the Cariboo Chilcotin there are many crews working plus there’s still lots of washed out areas on our back roads.

Crack sealing on Hwy 97 between Canim-Hendrix Lake Rd and Lakeview Cres from Williams Lake to 100 Mile House. Until June 30th. Single lane alternating traffic. Controlled by pilot car. Expect delays of up to 15 minutes. Watch for construction workers and obey all signage and traffic control personnel. Be cautious of loose sand on road.

Mowing on Hwy 97 between Maze Lake Rd and Kragbak Rd from 8 km north of Wildwood to 25 km south of 150 Mile House.

Bridge maintenance on Hwy 97 between Nelson St and Barlow Ave in Quesnel. Until Friday June 26th. Single lane alternating traffic. Deck repairs on Quesnel river bridge. Expect 20 minute delays.

100 Mile Lions Club Organ Transplant Registration Drive up until June 30th
To register go online
take two


Regency Chrysler