Rain in the forecast for overnight with lows down to -4. Please travel with care and check out DriveBC for all your highway updates.



Heavy rain Hwy 97 between Stephenson Rd and 26 Mile Frontage Rd. From Cache Creek to 4 km south of Clinton. Potential for debris flows are possible. No stopping during rainfall 5kms south of Clinton. Plan for highway closure in event of heavy rain.


Heavy rain on Hwy 1 between Cornwall Rd and Old Cariboo Rd. Potential for debris flows. No stopping during rainfall. Plan for Highway closure in event of heavy rain.

Heavy rain on Hwy 1 between Back Valley Rd and Juniper Beach Prov Park Access Rd. Cache Creek to 17 km east of Cache Creek). Potential for debris flows. No stopping during rainfall. Plan for highway closure in event of heavy rain.


Utility work on Hwy 20 between Labouchere Ave and Alexis Creek-Nazko Rd. 10 kms west of Alexis Creek to Bella Coola until Thursday November 5th. Single lane alternating traffic. Please watch for personnel and signage.



Drop of any coats, mittens, hats and scarves at the 100 Mile House Laundry Mat between November 1st and November 30th

For more information call Annie at 250-395-6054




Sunrise Ford Trade In Event
  • Regency Chrysler