Cooler temperatures across the Cariboo and if travelling Hwy 20 plan for winter roads. There’s lots of snowfall in the forecast for the Bella Coola area, especially Monday and Tuesday 20-30 cm or more. Check out DriveBC for all your highway updates.

Maintenance work on Hwy 97 – 4km south of Williams Lake. Single lane traffic and Please watch for the crew and flaggers.

100 Mile House – PSO Theatre Troupe Presents Neil Simon’s Play
January 15th to 19th
100 Mile House Junior High School
General admission $10 – Door $15
7:pm nightly and 2:pm matinee and 7:pm show on the 19th.

#sunriseford #sunriseFORD1 #sunriseford100milehouse #pso #play #event #communityevent #community #rumors #caribooradio #caribooradiostation #radio #peterskeenogdenseniorsecondary