Travel advisory from Drive BC due to possible debris flows on Hwy 97 from Cache Creek to 4 km south of Clinton. Also on Hwy 99 50 to 70 km north of Lillooet. Please do not stop in these areas.

Highway 97C. Travel advisory in effect between Cornwall Rd and Empter Frontage Rd for 5.9 km (Ashcroft). Potential for debris flows. No stopping during rainfall between Cornwall Rd. & Empter Frontage Rd. Plan for highway closure in event of heavy rain.

Sweeping on Hwy 97 from 11 km north of 100 Mile House to 9 km north of 70 Mile House through April 18th Please watch for Shadow Vehicle.

There are sweeping crews popping up in different areas on our Hwys. Please travel with care.

Maintenance work on Hwy 97 at Enterprise Rd 17 kms south of 150 Mile House. Single lane alternating traffic. Please watch for traffic control.

Bridge maintenance on Hwy 20 – 20 kms west of Williams Lake until Friday April 12th with single lane alternating traffic.

Category 3 fires prohibited in the Cariboo Fire Centre Effective noon on Monday, April 15, 2019. Please go to for more information.

Join CaribooRadio.Com on April 26th we’ll be seeing a lot of action around town! Arrests will be made of local citizens for various charges for the second PSO Annual Grad Jail & Bail Fundraiser! 10:am – 4:pm in front of Save On Foods 100 Mile House.

Do you know someone that has an office infraction… maybe takes the last bagel or leaves a table spoon of coffee in the coffee pot? More details will be posted on CaribooRadio.Com on how to report the crimes of your boss or co-worker!

Sunrise Ford Sales Ltd

#rcmp #jailandbail #fundraiser #gotojail #caribooradioonlocation

  • Regency Chrysler