Maintenance on Hwy 20 between Chilanko Loop Rd and Beaumont Rd for 95.0 km (28 km east of Alexis Creek to 42 km east of Tatla Lake). until Friday May 31st Single lane alternating traffic. Limited visibility due to smoke smoke from intermittent controlled burns. Expected delays of 10 minutes. Please watch for signage and personnel

Sweeping on Hwy 97 between Finning Rd and Olson Rd. Quesnel to 24 km south of Hixon until Thursday April 25th from 7:AM to 3:30PM on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please watch for slow moving vehicles.


Please check for hwy updates.


Remember to join CaribooRadio.Com on Friday April 26th we’ll be seeing a lot of action around town! Arrests will be made of local citizens for various charges for the second PSO Annual Grad Jail & Bail Fundraiser! 10:am – 4:pm in front of Save On Foods 100 Mile House.

Do you know someone that has an office infraction… maybe takes the last bagel or leaves a table spoon of coffee in the coffee pot? More details will be posted on @CaribooRadio.Com on how to report the crimes of your boss or co-worker!
#rcmp #jailandbail #fundraiser #gotojail #caribooradioonlocation Cariboo Radio On-Location


  • Work N Play Clothing

  • Regency Chrysler