West Fraser Road is closed until further notice. Its washed out at Narcosli Creek. A detour is available via Garner Road and Webster Lake Road. Please follow Drive BC for updates.

Maintenance on Hwy 97 between Cunningham Rd and Bullock Lake Rd from 2 to 15 kms north of 70 Mile House Through Fri Oct 26th.

Maintenance work on Hwy 97 between Davie St and Spears St in Quesnel until Sat Oct 27 Single lane alternating traffic. Expected 10 minute delays.

The construction continues between 150 Mile House to Williams Lake. Please watch for changing traffic patterns and flagging personnel.

100 Mile Motel and RV Park is sponsoring a free Halloween skate at the South Cariboo Rec. Centre October 28th from 1:15pm t0 2:45pm.
Bring the family down. Free hot chocolate, goodie bags while they last and prizes for the top 3 costumes. Courtesy of A&W, Save On Foods, ace Hardware and Scott’s Power Digging.

#freefood #freeskating #canlanicesports #100milemotel #halloween #sunriseFORD1 #cariibooradio #caribooradiostation #ford 

Regency Chrysler