Watch for Debris and Dusty conditions on Hwy between Highway 1 and Boyd Pit Rd for 38.6 km (Cache Creek to Clinton). Highway 99 Single lane alternating traffic (15 km north of Lillooet) due to Construction. Commercial Trucks 50% Legal Load weight in the construction zone.

Paving continues on Highway 26 between Norton Creek Rd and Barkerville Hwy 28 km east of Quesnel to 6 km east of Wells until Fri Sep 28. From 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM PDT on weekdays and Saturday.

4 lane construction continues south and north of Williams Lake on Hwy 97. Please plan extra travel time.

Please watch for the kids and school buses now that they’re back in school. For Sd27 and Sd 28 bus cancellation go to #sunriseFORD1 #sunriseford #caribooradio #caribooradiostation #radio #weather #caribooroads #roads #highways #events #caribooevents #wranglers #100milehousewrangles