Sunny with cloudy periods today but overcast skies, rain or wet flurries are in the forecast for the next couple of days, highs of 13. If you are traveling, check out DriveBC for all your highway updates.


Maintenance between 28 km east of Alexis Creek to 42 km east of Tatla Lake until Friday May 31st Single lane alternating traffic. Limited visibility with smoke. Monday to Friday intermittent controlled burn. Expected delays of 10 minutes. Please watch for signage and personnel.


Utility work on Hwy 26 – 7 to 5 kms east of Quesnel until Friday April 26th Single lane alternating traffic. Expected delays of 10 minutes.


Sweeping on Hwy 97 from Quesnel to 24 kms south of Hixon From 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Watch for slow moving vehicles.


Horse Lake Elementary
Dinner & Auction
Saturday, April 27th @ 6pm
Iron Horse Pub & Grill
Tickets $25 each
Adults Only
Tickets available at Donex Pharmacy & Horse Lake Elementary School






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