It’s looking like we’re going get sun and clouds for the next few day but possibly a a little skiff of snow in the South Cariboo on Saturday. Check out DriveBC for all your highway updates.

Electrical maintenance continues their work between Eagleridge Rd and Opax Rd (40 km east of Lone Butte to 28 km west of Little Fort). Until tomorrow Dec 21 Single lane alternating traffic. Expected delays of 5 minutes. Watch for flagging personnel and signage.

Watch Lake Women’s Institute Annual Christmas Bake Sale
Friday, December 21st/2018 @ 10am
Cariboo Mall – 100 Mile House

Sunrise Ford would like to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and Safe Travels over the holiday season.

#sunriseford #sunriseFORD1 #caribooradiostation #caribooradio #radio #roads #highways #weather #communityevents #events #merrychristmas #safetravels