Looks like nice weather in the forecast for Friday, highs of 26 but possible showers for Saturday. If you are traveling into the Cariboo-Chilcotin it’s always a good idea to check out DriveBC for all your highway updates.


Some of the roads off Hwy 20 are now open to single lane alternating traffic with minor delays. Please check www.drivebc.ca for updates.


Washout between Gang Ranch Rd and Upper Dog Creek Rd for 3.0 km (80 to 83 km south of Williams Lake). Single lane alternating traffic. Expect minor delays.


Farwell Canyon Road. Washout between Highway 20 and Big Creek Rd. Single lane alternating traffic. Work in progress. Local traffic only. Expect minor delays to 15 minutes.


Taseko Lake Road Washout between Stone Reserve and Stone Reserve. Road closed. Estimated time of opening not available. Washed out at the 4 km mark closed at Minton Creek. Detour via Minton Creek rd. Taseko Lake Rd is Single Lane Alternating Traffic. Work in progress.


Sky Ranch Road Washout at Sky Ranch Road. Estimated time of opening not available. Detour not available. Road is open to 17km mark, after 17km road is closed. Work in progress.


Word Creek Road. Bridge closed at Gaspard Bridge. Structural damage to the Gaspard Bridge. Road closed at Gang Creek Road until further notice.


There are 4 crews working on Hwy 20 between Alexis Creek and Firvale. Please watch for the road crews and flagging personal.


Construction work continues on Hwy 97 between Procter St and Fox Mountain Rd for 2.2 km north of Williams Lake until Monday September 30thExpect some delays. Please watch for signage and personnel.



100 Mile House – CRD Invites all residents to the Town Hall Meeting
Saturday, July 27th
10am to 5pm
South Cariboo Recreation Centre




Employee Pricing Sunrise Ford 100 Mile House BC



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