Showers in the forecast for the next couple of days with possible thunderstorms. If you are traveling this weekend check out DriveBC for all your highway updates.

Paving operations continue between Cariboo Hwy 97 S and North Lakeside Dr from 150 Mile House to 3 km south of Williams Lake until June 27th Single lane alternating traffic. Expected delays of 5 minutes. Please watch for personnel and signage.



Construction on Hwy 97 between Procter St and Fox Mountain Rd north of Williams Lake until Thursday June 27th Expect delays.


Mowing on Hwy 97 from 17kms south of Clinton to Cache Creek until Friday June 14th Please watch for Shadow Vehicle.


Sweeping on Hwy 97 between Hyra Rd and Kitwanga Dr for 19.0 km from 100 Mile House to the 108 until June 7th Please watch for Shadow Vehicle.


Three crews are working on Hwy 20 from Anahim Lake to Hagensborg Rd.



Join the CRD Board of Directors and staff for a free BBQ in LeBourdais Park, Quesnel, today at 5:30pm
We’ll be making a donation to the Quesnel Technics Gymnastics Club as thanks for hosting the BBQ. Plus they’ll be showing off some of their skills!



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