After today there is overcast skies in the forecast with highs of 13. If you are traveling, check out DriveBC for all your highway updates.

Sweeping on Hwy 20 between Stum Lake Rd and Beaumont Rd for approximately 30 kms in the Alexis Creek area. Please watch for shadow vehicle.

Sweeping on highway 97, southbound between Nelson St and Edwards Rd for approximately 18 kms in the Quesnel area. Please watch for slow moving vehicles.

Pothole repair on Hwy 97 between Ainsworth Rd and Alder Ave in 100 Mile House today.

Nazko Rd, westbound. Maintenance between Yetta Rd and Honolulu Rd for 62.0 km (72 to 10 km east of Nazko). Until Thu Apr 4 Single lane alternating. Please watch for the crews as they will be moving around to various locations on our Cariboo Hwys.

You are welcome to attend a public information meeting for CRD area H with Staff Sgt Nielsen from the 100 Mile House RCMP and Margo Wagner, CRD Chair

April 4th at 7:pm
Forest Grove Community Hall

This is a Question & Answer meeting. It’s also a good opportunity to meet Staff Sgt Nielsen and express your concerns plus, get updates on crime stats etc in area H. 

This is a regional meeting and there will be others held in other regions in the future.

#rcmp #crimestoppers #100milehousercmp #southcariboo #forestgrovebc #canimlake #caribooradiostaion

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