Overcast skies for the next couple of days with possible showers. Temperature highs of 13 with cooler temperatures in the forecast for the mornings. Could get icy sections on our local highways. Please travel with care and check out DriveBC for all your highway updates. www.drivebc.ca

Hwy 20 Bridge maintenance between South Lakeside Dr and MacKenzie Ave S for 0.7 km (Williams Lake). Until Wed Apr 10. Lane Closure.

Maintenance on Hwy 99 between Fountain Valley Rd and Sallus Creek Rd 13 north of Lillooet. There is Legal Load restrictions for commercial vehicles.

Sweeping on Hwy 97 between Nelson St to 13kms north of Quesnel until Thursday April 11th

Sweeping on Hwy 24 between the start of Highway 24 and Eagle Island Rd for 61.6 km (8 km west of Lone Butte to Little Fort hill Until Please watch for Shadow Vehicle.


100 Mile House Performing Arts Society Fundraiser

Theatre Royal from Barkerville Presents
The Phoenix Tour 
Friday, May 10th @ 7pm 
Martin Exeter Hall 
Tickets $25 each 
On line at Evenbrite.ca or Donex Pharmacy and the Screamin’ Reel 

  • Regency Chrysler