Overcast skies with possible showers in the forecast for the weekend. If you are traveling check out DriveBC for all your highway updates.

Utility work on HWY 97 – 13 to 12 km north of Cache Creek until Wednesday August 21st Single lane alternating traffic. Expected possible delays of 10 minutes. Please watch for signage and personnel.

Utility work on HWY 97 – 8 to 3 km north of Wildwood until Thu September 12th Single lane alternating traffic. Intermittent lane closures with expected 10 minute delays.

Construction work continues on Hwy 97 between Procter St and Fox Mountain Rd for 2.2kms north of Williams Lake until Monday September 30th Expect some delays. Please watch for signage and personnel.

Paving on Hwy 97 continues at 94 Mile 2 to 5 km south of 100 Mile House until Sat Aug 31. Speed zone in effect. Keep in mind that fines double in construction zones. Please watch for flagging personal.

3 crews are working on HWY 20 in the Tatla Lake, Anahim Lake and Tatla Lake areas. Please watch for flagging personal and signage.

South Cariboo Garlic Festival
August 24th & 25th
LLH Festival Grounds
It will be a Stinkin Good Time!

Public Information Meeting Tonight!
LLH Community Hall @ 7pm
CRD Director Al Richmond and
S/Sgt. Svend Nielsen will be in attendance to answer any concerns or questions.



Employee Pricing Sunrise Ford 100 Mile House BC



#sunriseFORD1 #sunrisefordsalesltd #sunriseford100milehouse #caribooradio #caribooradiostation #radio #roadreport #highways #weather #construction #paving #community #events #southcariboogarlicfestival #pulicinformationmeeting #laclahache #garlic #vendors #entertainment