Sunny skies in the forecast for the next couple of days with possible thunderstorms on Friday. If you are traveling check out DriveBC for all your highway updates.


There’s still many road closures in the Chilcotin South of Hwy 20. Please check before you travel. Plus, travel advisories for Hwy I, Hwy 99, and Hwy 97. Please check the attached information


Construction work continues on Hwy 97 just North of Williams Lake between Procter St and Fox Mountain Rd for 2.2 km (Williams Lake). Until Mon Sep 30 at 7:00 AM PDT. Expect some delays. Please watch for signage and personnel.


Seal coating Canim-Hendrix Connector from Eagle Creek to Ruth Lake. There’s lots of equipment and crew starting at Wilcox Rd Expect 10-15 minute delays. Please watch for the flagging personal.


Maintenance on Hwy 97 between Loon Lake Rd and 26 Mile Frontage Rd – 17 to 4 km south of Clinton. Single lane alternating traffic.








RE/MAX Parks Alive Free Concert Series in Centennial Park 100 Mile House


August 7

5 PM – Farmers Market Vendors / Food Trucks


6 – 8 PM – DON ALDER
Acoustic Guitarist Don Alder performs with a passion rarely seen. His guitar magic, soulful singing and storytelling creates jaw dropping performances that continues to “Wow” audiences around the world. His music is a unique combination of deeply textured melody and story. Lyrical and compelling, his original songs are notes of exploration – some passionate and haunting, some hard-driven, others light and teasing.





Employee Pricing Sunrise Ford 100 Mile House BC

#sunriseFORD1 #sunriseford #sunriseford100milehouse #caribooradio

#caribooradiostation #radio #weather #roads #highways #cariboo #southcariboo

#chilcotin #community #events #remaxsparksalive #music #liveentertainment

#farmersmarket #100milehouse #ourlifeyourdream

Regency Chrysler