Showers in the forecast for the next couple of days with possible thunderstorms by the weekend. School is out for summer and this means more traffic out and about in the Cariboo. Please drive with care. Check out DriveBC for all your highway updates.



HWY 1 Heavy rain possible between Cornwall Rd and Old Cariboo Rd for 9.6 km (1 km east of Ashcroft to Cache Creek). Potential for debris flows. No stopping during heavy rainfall. Plan for Highway closure in event of heavy rain.


HWY 1. Heavy rain possible between Back Valley Rd and Juniper Beach Prov Park Access Rd for 16.8 km (Cache Creek to 17 km east of Cache Creek). Potential for debris flows. No stopping during rainfall. Plan for highway closure in event of heavy rain.


HWY 97. Heavy rain possible between Stephenson Rd and 26 Mile Frontage Rd for 34.3 km (Cache Creek to 4 km south of Clinton). Potential for debris flows. No stopping during rainfall . Plan for highway closure in event of heavy rain.


Follow for updated information.



Hwy 20 – 3 crews out working from Williams Lake and Bella Coola . Please watch for personal and obey all signage.



Performances In The Park
Starting Thursday, July 4th @ 6pm
Boitano Park, Williams Lake
Performers will be entertaining every Thursday Night @ 6pm up until August 22nd.
For more information on Performances In The Park find them on FB.





In conjunction with our US Brokers and Canadian Financial Institutions, we can help assess if any of the following needs to be considered by your family; Do you need to DEFER payments on a CURRENT loan/vehicle that you still own and need?

Did you get Walk-Away Insurance? Unsure? We can check!

If you have not YET been affected by a layoff notice, you would still have time to be covered by our “Walk-Away Insurance” plan designed for these types of situations.

Were you planning on a new vehicle to bring reliability to your transportation needs if you need to commute for a new job?

CALL US TODAY for advice on possible solutions through this difficult time in our community! We are here for YOU!


  • Regency Chrysler