Sunshine in the forecast for the next couple of days with wet weather coming on Sunday. Highway 97 is in excellent condition and if you are traveling south on Highway 97 be aware of the recent mudslides and debris flows between Ashcroft and Clinton due to the very warm weather in the forecast. Check before you travel.

Tree pruning continues on Hwy 97 between Pollard Rd and Cinema Rd 22 km south of Hixon to 11 km north of Quesnel). until Mar 29 Single lane alternating traffic at various locations for tree removal between power line and the edge of the highway. Please watch for flagging personal.

Registration deadline is March 29, 2019. Please get your registrations in as soon as possible. Forms can be dropped off with payment and rec pass number at the South Cariboo Rec Centre drop box located near the minor hockey office. Rec pass numbers can also be obtained at the South Cariboo Rec Centre office.

You MUST have a rec pass number on your form to be registered.
There are also registration forms in the hallway near the minor hockey office. OR you can email to have a form sent to you.

For more information please contact Candace 250-706-3865 or go on line to: