Beautiful weather for the week with highs of 28. If you are traveling out and about around the Cariboo it’s always a good idea to check out DriveBC for all your highway updates.


Hwy 97 – Crack Sealing between Big Bar Rd and 70 Mile Frontage. Single Lane Traffic with possible 10 min time delays. Pilot Car Controlled.


Hwy 97 – Sweeping between Beaver Lake Rd and Edwards Rd. South of Quesnel and North of Wildwood. Lane closure in effect.


Hwy 20 – Maintenance Crews out in the Tatla Lk and Anaheim Lk Areas. Please obey all traffic signage and slow down in maintenance areas.



The Hot July Nights Committee is in full swing gearing up for the Hot July Nights Car & Bike Show. Three days of activities are planned. Friday July 12th is a meet and greet at A&W including a show and shine and rod run, July 13th includes the poker run, BBQ and entertainment and the big event the Show & Shine in Centennial Park 100 Mile House on the 14th . The Show and Shine is a free family event with live music food vendors and more. Visit for a full list of locations and activities. 



3D Archery Shoot
June 1st & 2nd
99 Mile Snowmobile Site
Hosted by the Bighorn Archery Club
For more information call 250-397-2632

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Regency Chrysler