Overcast skies in the forecast with rain showers lows of +1
Check out DriveBC for all your highway updates

Shoulder maintenance on Hwy 20 between Redstone-Chezacut Rd and Bayliff Rd 32 km west of Alexis Creek until Wed October 16th Watch for traffic control.

Come meet the new owner of Sunrise Ford Todd Logan and his family on October 26th from 11:am – 3:pm at the dealership. Sunrise Ford will be collect non perishable food items for the local food bank plus, hot dogs and hamburgers will be available by donation with all proceeds going to the food bank as well.

The PSO Grad Class of 2020 is hosting a Haunted House in the Clydesdale Barn at the 108 Heritage Site.

Come and join us for this spooktacular way to spend Halloween!

Admission to the Haunted House will be by donation (suggested $5). There will be a fire to keep warm and hot beverages and snacks at the concession. The Grads will also be holding a bake sale so plan to take some great treats home with you!





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