This pandemic is affecting every one of our local businesses in some way. In fact, after the wildfires in 2017, smokey conditions in 2018, then the mill closures in 2019, this pandemic marks the fourth consecutive year of major economic disruption to our business community. During the COVID crisis, we are encouraging residents to support local businesses, as you shop for your essential goods and services while staying home – or adhering to social distancing rules when you must go out. Many businesses are finding creative ways to serve their customers with new methods. Please recognize their ingenuity and respect their distancing protocols.

How can you support 100 Mile House businesses? Call ahead to book an appointment or see if they have modified shopping hours or special shopping opportunities. If you are considering buying something online, check with a local business first and buy it locally instead. See if they offer curbside pickup, drive through or delivery services or online shopping. Buy a gift card to use later. In line with advice from Health Officials to avoid all non-essential travel, minimize, or better still, eliminate any shopping trips out of town. Stay home and keep your spending dollars at home too.

Both now and after we get back to ‘more normal’ times, please think very hard about ways to buy goods and services from a local business. It is critically important to our community’s recovery and our resiliency to have a vibrant and thriving business sector. If we want businesses to rebound after this pandemic is over, keep employees working, and keep dollars flowing in our local economy, every one of us needs to be more deliberate than ever about shopping locally.
We Are Stronger Together!

Mayor and Council
District of 100 Mile House
For more information, visit

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