We want to take this opportunity to thank 100 Mile residents who are doing their part to stop the spread of COVID-19, those of you who are staying home as much as possible, practicing social distancing by staying at least 2 meters  apart, adhering to the mandatory 14-day self-isolation after returning to Canada, and refraining from gatherings. We appreciate your commitment to keeping yourselves safe and keeping your families, friends and the community safe.

It is important to every single member of our community that we observe these rules. We sincerely thank you for doing the right thing! All of us owe a debt of gratitude to the essential service agencies and all the businesses that are operating under difficult circumstances to ensure we can get the things we need. We feel for those businesses that have been ordered closedby the Provincial Health Authority and for those people who have lost their jobs or been laid off.

And finally, we want to thank all the first responders and health care workers who are providing remarkable health care services to our residents. You are the true heroes in this crisis. We encourage all residents to continue supporting our health care workers in whatever way you can. The very best way to do this is by staying home as much as possible and keeping safe and well.

100 Mile House is a resilient community and we will come through this by working together and supporting each other. Keep it up! We are stronger together.

Mayor and Council
District of 100 Mile House
For more information, visit www.100milehouse.com