The Seniors Resource Fair had many attend this year with approximately 59 exhibitors for seniors and families to browse through. The fair is also an opportunity for seniors to socialize. Age friendly is an international movement that supports healthy aging and reaches out to seniors in the communities to let them know what’s available for them.


This years fair had a larger turnout than last year with people coming from all over the South Cariboo with family member supporting older members, including Canim Lake Indian Band bringing their elders to the fair by bus.


This isn’t just for seniors explains Lea Smirfitt, Executive Director for the Age Friendly Society of the South Cariboo. “The fair is for families with seniors moving to the area and for our local seniors too. We bring the lens of age friendly as in what’s going to work for the population in the community.”



Smirfitt said,”We have a great team of people that help organize the fair and the Canlan staff offer their expertise is the setting up the event at the South Cariboo Rec Centre. I’m very pleased with the fair this year.”


The Age Friendly Society of the South Cariboo goal is to help people age safely, enjoy wellness and to continue to live and participate fully in their communities.


Click to learn more about the Age Friendly Society in the S. Cariboo.



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