Kootenay Pass Mudslide

UPDATE: Highway 3 is now OPEN to single lane alternating traffic 30 Km west of Creston (Kootenay Pass). Up to 20 minute delays. Clean up of the mudslide continues.Earlier:From the geotechnical assessment of the mudslide at Kootenay Pass, on Hwy 3, earlier this morning. Cleanup is now in progress. Check DriveBC.ca for updates.

Posted by BC Transportation and Infrastructure on Friday, May 18, 2018



UPDATE: Highway 3 is now OPEN to single lane alternating traffic 30 Km west of Creston (Kootenay Pass). Up to 20 minute delays. Clean up of the mudslide continues.




From the geotechnical assessment of the mudslide at Kootenay Pass, on Hwy 3, earlier this morning.

Cleanup is now in progress. Check DriveBC.ca for updates.






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