Friday May 17th

The History of Dating starts at 7:00pm LCSS Williams Lake Campus. A family friendly comedy that looks at the humorous side of dating throughout history. This play is on both Friday and Saturday.



The Play Cherry Docs starts at 7:30pm to 9:30 pm on both Friday and Saturday night in the Glendale theatre.




Farmers Market starts at 9:00am and runs to 2:00pm, Come on down to the Cariboo Memorial Complex and enjoy locally made products and produce.




Saturday May 18th

Family Film Matinee at the Williams Lake Library from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Isle of Dogs is playing at the Library as their last of the season films. This film is rated PG.




Sunday May 19th

McLeese Lake Farmers Market at 9:00am to 1:00pm every Sunday.




Monday May 20th

Victoria Day Royal Tea at Barkerville from 8:00am to 6:00pm. Join Queen Victoria and her Royal Consort at the Wake-Up Jake restaurant in honour of Her Majesty’s Birthday.




Tuesday May 21st

Williams Lake Wanderers at 9:15am they will be at the Cariboo Memorial Complex. If you are interested in joining then please meet at the Cariboo Memorial Complex. They do a variety of different things through out the year, from Kayaking, Hiking, Walking, Snowshoeing, Biking, Skiing. Please call to find what they will be doing today.




Wednesday May 22nd

Ladies Night Out at the Legion from 6:00pm – 9:00pm. They will be having cocktails at 6 pm, Dinner and dessert at 7 pm and a fashion show at 8 pm.




Thursday May 23rd

BC Cattlemen’s Association Convention starts at 5:00pm and runs through to Saturday, May 25 1:00pm. This is both a trade show and convention for the Cattlemen association of BC.