Friday May 10

Farmers Market at 9:00am – 2:00pm. Come on down to the Cariboo Memorial Complex and enjoy locally made products and produce.



Overlander Pub open mic night at 8 pm to midnight.




Saturday May 11

Cariboo Spring Potters Spring Show 10:00am – 4:00pm. The Cariboo Potters Guild will be hosting their annual spring sale at the Central Cariboo Arts Centre. Check out the unique and individual pieces that local potters have been hard at work.



Mother’s Day Colander Flower Pot and Tea at 11:00am -1:00am. Come on out to Pink Peony for this make and take event.



Porcupine quill-work workshop 1:00pm -4:00pm. You must preregister by either calling or emailing- This is a free event Located at 291 2nd Ave. This takes place both Saturday and Sunday.




Annual Anahim Canoe Race at 1:00pm. The Canoe race is taking place at Nimpo Lake and will followed by a dinner and dance at the Anahim Lake community Hall. Entry at 12 pm and race start at 1 pm and a $2000 prize pool. The dinner will be held at 6 pm in the Anahim Community Hall and the Dance will follow. It cost $25 for both, or $15 for dinner, or $15 for the Dance only.




Sunday May 12th

Williams Lake Mother’s Day Market at 8:30am to 2:00pm. Williams Lake Lions/Lioness’ Save-On Foods parking lot Mother’s Day Market. Pancake breakfast. $8.00 for Adults & $5.00 for Children. Moms Eat Free! Breakfast goes from 8:30am-11:30pm




McLeese Lake Mother’s Day Market 9:00am – 4:00pm. This is a fundraiser for the McLeese volunteer fire department.





Monday May 13 Williams Lake Walking Group 9:00am. Please call ahead to find out where they will be walking Chris 250-392-2271




Tuesday May 14

Williams Lake Wanderers, if you are interested in joining then please meet at the Cariboo Memorial Complex. They do a variety of different things through out the year, from Kayaking, Hiking, Walking, Snowshoeing, Biking, Skiing. Please call to find what they will be doing today.




Wednesday May 15

At the laughing loon they are holding the 2nd annual fundraiser at 7 pm.





Cherry Docs at 7:30pm. Williams Lake Studio Studio playing Cherry Docs at the Glendale




Thursday May 16

Maranatha Carnival at 5:00pm – 8:00pm. You need to buy tickets for each activity from dunk tank, bouncy castle, sumo wrestling, cake walk, food and games. This is a family friendly event.




The History of Dating is playing at 7 pm at WL Campus of Lake City Secondary. A family friendly comedy that looks at the humorous side of dating throughout history.



  • Regency Chrysler




BCRA Summer Series at Eagleview Equestrian Centre is holding an event at 7 pm.




Cherry Docs 7:30pm -9:30pm. Williams Lake Studio Studio playing Cherry Docs at the Glendale theatre.

  • Regency Chrysler