Greetings everyone… Council wants our residents to know that we’re very proud of our community and its commitment to beating down the Covid-19 threat to our way of life. We’ve been isolating and social distancing for nearly 7 weeks. The BBQ and boating season are fast approaching and with it normally comes family and friends social time. We all want “normal” – to be back to our jobs, our businesses, our regular routines. We are all eager to get back to life as we knew it; to normal routines – whatever normal may look like in the future. In many ways, we know it will be far from normal.

Despite pressures to lift restrictions and move toward a new-normal, that time is not yet. We have to remain united in the fight of our lives – because our sustained efforts are making a difference. We urge residents to heed Dr. Bonnie Henry’s appeal to remain “vigilant”. Health officials are encouraging us to start thinking of ways we can adapt to meet new social and economic realities, without letting down our guard. Historical lessons from other pandemics have taught us that easing restrictions too soon or too quickly could mean all our effort and sacrifice thus far, could be for nothing. Stay the course !!

As other provinces begin rolling out plans to re-open, it remains clear to all of us that relaxing restrictions will be a slow and methodical process. A cautious approach is also inevitable in the province of BC, as we start the work of getting our economy back on solid footing, our education system resumed, and our social networks restored. The emphasis from federal and provincial leaders is on opening up – safely.

We have every reason to be cautiously optimistic that life will be ‘more’ normal in the foreseeable future. For now, let’s be patient and let’s keep making a difference. We must continue to stay home as much as possible, continue washing our hands frequently, and continue to keep our distance. This is how we will eventually get back to our normal lives.

We ARE stronger together.

Mayor and Council
District of 100 Mile House

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