On Friday January 11th 10 First Nations communities gathered at the Quesnel Seniors Centre to sign a letter of understanding.  The letter of understanding is to realize that all nations have to work together in order to truly gain a step up in today’s age. A commitment to work together and resolve their boundary issues.

The 10 First Nations signers were from the Tsideldel,  Xeni Gwet’in,  Yunesit’in,  tl’etinqox, tl’esqox, ?Esdilagh, Lhtako,  Nazko, Ulgatcho and kluskas Nations.

In this photo from left to right: Councillor Percy Guichon (Tsideldel), Chief Jimmy Lulua (Xeni Gwet’in), Chief Russell Myers (Yunesit’in), Chief Joe Alphonse (Tl’etinqox – Tribal Chairman, Tŝilhqot’in National Government), Chief Francis Laceese (Tl’esqox), Chief Roy Stump (?Esdilagh), Chief Clifford Lebrun (Lhatko Dene), Chief Stuart Alec (Nazko), Chief Bev Cahoose (Ulgatcho) and Chief Liliane Squinas, kluskas Nations.

Photo by Chad Stump



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