The South Cariboo Sustainability Society will be sharing another film at the Stemete7uw’i Friendship Centre on March 29th at 7:00pm. The film title is Seed, the Untold Story. For more information call 250-791-7284 

Seedy Saturday is coming up on April 6th 10am -3pm at the Creekside Seniors Centre. There will be seed sales, information and displays, family activities and a garage sale. For more information or to book a table call Karen at 250-395-3580. 

Timber Mart 100 Mile House Ribbon Banner

The 100 Mile District Hospice Palliative Care Society is offering you to learn to use simple gifts in the care of the dying and bereaved. Training is taking place April 6th, 7th, 13th and 14th. Registration is required and application forms are available from the Hospice Office or Reception in the South Cariboo Health Centre. Please contact Tracy at 250-395-7680 to set up a pre-training meeting.

100 Mile Festival of the Arts starts on April 1st. The event runs for 2 weeks with a show case award concert at the end. You will see students perform in voice, speech arts, instrumental and piano. For a full schedule visit 

The next business walk is schedule for May 1st. The District of 100 Mile House, Province of BC and the South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce will be conducting the annual business walk in 100 Mile House from 9am – 12pm. Businesses, be prepared for volunteers to visit your business this day. Business walks are conducted across the province to measure business success and address needs and issues of local business.                                                              

Interested in learning new, delicious recipes?  Want to meet new people from the area? Community Kitchen takes place on the 2nd Monday of the month through May 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.  It provides an opportunity for learning or refining fundamental cooking skills while creating from unique and tasty recipes.  The program is drop-in and open to everyone ages 17 and up, however, please be advised that spaces are limited. The Community Kitchen happens at The Valley Room, 98B Cecil Pl. 100 Mile House (Behind ‘The Lodge’ behind the Red Coach Inn) The next dates are April 8 Indian food recipes and May 13 explore local foods.

The 1st Annual Reg Hayward Memorial Crib Tournament will be on March 31At The Forest Grove Legion. Doors Open at 10AM/Signup 10:30AM and Play starts at 11AM. There is a $10 entry fee which includes Lunch. For more information Call Barb 250-397-7773