The South Green Lake Volunteer Fire Department Annual fundraising Garage Sale at the Fire Hall May 18th from 9:30 to noon. Homemade pies on sale for $8 each. Baked goods and hot dogs for purchase. The event kicks off at 9:30am  There’ll be a 90-minute FireSmart presentation at 10:am by Shelly Harnden, Wildfire Technician, plus two SGLVFD Fire Smart ambassadors will be on site to answer questions and much more.


Forest Grove Fire Department is hosting their annual car wash on May 19th from 10:am to 2:pm at hall #1 in Forest Grove. The car wash is by donation. BBQ’s lunch available. Proceeds will go towards the annual firework display held on Halloween.



Canim Lake Neighborhood Watch Group are hosting a tailgate meet & greet at the Canim lake store May 18th. Meet your neighbors and the people in the community. Bring your lawn chairs.



The Stemete7uw’I Friendship Centre is hosting another Spaghetti Social on May 24th from 5pm-7:30pm at St Timothy’s Church. Enjoy spaghetti, Caesar salad, garlic bread music and the free store. Dinner is served at 6:30pm and there is no need to call ahead. Just show up! For more information call 250-706-0385. 





The Big Horn Archery Club is hosting an outdoor archery shoot on June 1st and 2nd at the 99 Mile Snowmobile Site. The is free dry camping, awards, prizes and full concession. Visit their website at for more information or call 250-397-2632. 



On June 8th the 108 Mile Ranch Lions Club will be hosting their 3rd Annual Pig Roast at the 108 Mile Community Hall. A silent Auction will be held, plus door prizes will be featured. Doors open at 5:30pm with dinner served at 6:30pm. Tickets can be purchased for $25 from Donex, the 08 Super Market and Mary’s Country Kitchen.  



The 68th Bridge Lake Rodeo is gearing up to start on June 29th at the Bridge Lake Rodeo Grounds. Pancake beakfast start at 8:00am and slack at 9am. The main event starts at noon. Please call 240-395-2417 to register your entries or for more information.  



The Hot July Nights Committee is in full swing gearing up for the Hot July Nights Car & Bike Show. Three days of activities are planned. Friday July 12th is a meet and greet at A&W including a show and shine and rod run, July 13th includes the poker run, BBQ and entertainment and the big event the Show & Shine in Centennial Park 100 Mile House on the 14th . The Show and Shine is a free family event with live music food vendors and more. Visit for a full list of locations and activities. 



May 19th and 20th is the 52nd Annual Little Britches Rodeo in 100 Mile House. Kids 14 and under will compete in pole bending, barrell racing, stake racing and more! Ticket prices for spectators is $10 for adults and $5 for seniors and students, under 6 years entry is free. Sunday is food bank day with $1 from each gate pass purchased going to the Breast Cancer Foundation. Lots of raffles and prizes too! Call 250-395-2900 for more information.  



May 26th the 108 Mile Lions are hosting The Walk for Guide Dogs. Meet at the South Cariboo Visitor Centre at noon for registration. Call 250-791-5665 for more information.  



The 100 Mile House Amazing Race, hosted by the 100 Mile House Lions, is taking team registrations now with a maximum of 15 teams. The Race is on June 15th starting at the Creekside Seniors Centre. Participants must be 16 or over and the cost is $160 per team of 4. Breakfast, lunch and prizes are included.  



Work N Play Clothing



The Age Friendly Society of the South Cariboo is excited for their upcoming Seniors Resource Fair on June 20th from 10am -3pm at the South Cariboo Rec Centre. They are seeking to create a diverse representation of resources for seniors at the fair. Exhibitors are asked to incorporate an activity, give-away, or the like to bring energy to this event and traffic to your table. Registrations for vendors can be dropped off at the Canlan Ice Sports office at the South Cariboo Rec Centre. For more information you can contact Lea at 250 791 6406 or Email