100 Mile Hospice presents Cariboo Winter Giggles Games, January 26th from 10:30am – 3:30pm at the 108 Heritage Site. The main event will be the PSO students vs teachers hockey game. Also tons of fun family games! Admission is $10 for 13 & up. 7 – 12 and seniors $5. Under 6 are free with all proceeds go to support Hospice Programs.

The South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce invites you to participate in the Red Cross Ready Rating Program. The program is for small businesses and will help assess and assist your business in readiness for emergencies, disasters or challenges in the future. 100 Mile House has been chosen as one of three communities in BC to participate.

The Chamber is looking for up to 30 individual business representatives to participate. This will include 3 workshops over 3 months. Please contact the Chamber office to register as soon as possible. First workshop is January 23rd at 6:00pm. 250-395-6124 or email manager@southcariboochamber.org.

The South Cariboo Sustainability Society is hosting another film series. It starts January 16th at 7:00pm at the Stemete7uw’i Friendship Centre on Blackstock Rd. Decoding the Weather Machine is the film and for more information call 250-791-7284.

Friday January 18th at the Stemete7uw’i Friendship Centre is the first Spaghetti Social for 2019 Starting at 5:00pm at St. Timothy’s Church. No need to call ahead just show up. For more information call Rob at 250-706-0385.

It’s time to Nominate your favorite businesses! The 25th SCCC Business Excellence & Citizen of the Year Awards nominations are underway. Visit the South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce facebook events page for nomination forms and link. Please call Robyn at the Chamber office at 250-395-6124 or email southcariboochamberevents@gmail.com for more information. Nominations are open now until February 15th.

The 2019-100 Mile House Men’s Curling Bonspiel takes place January 18th, 19th, and 20th at the 100 Mile House Curling Club. It will for sure be three days of exciting curling action from out of town and local teams. For more information call 250-395-2296 or go on line to www.100milecurlingclub.ca

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