In our fourth and final edition of highlights from the Economic Development Survey we will focus on final lessons gathered from business responses.
By the deadline, 414 local residents and business owners had responded to the survey and half of all the business responses came from 100 Mile House. Business responses could be broken into the following categories:
• 14% were in the Forestry sector; 13% in Professional Services, 13% in Retail and 12% in the Tourism sector;
• 53% primarily service a local customer base; 24% serve customers from outside the region and 10% provide international service;
• 41% of the business responses were home-based.
Joanne Doddridge, Director of Economic Development and Planning reported “of particular interest to the District were comments from business owners reflecting interest in training programs to help business growth, and willingness to work in a co-working space (36%). Both of these activities are specific programs and activities that the District can address through partnerships and examples from other jurisdictions.”
Additional feedback included comments on much needed improved broadband throughout the region and the District is pleased to be working with the CRD on projects that support this activity. As well, start-up funds ranked as the highest need for starting a new business followed by the need for less municipal regulations.

Mayor Mitch Campsall offered “it was exciting to see the variety of features that community members felt would complement our amazing community. With 73% of all respondents considering Tourism to be a key economic driver, suggestions ranged from expanded festivals to upgraded trails, outdoor music and sporting events – features and partnerships that will be important once the province comes out of COVID and we welcome tourists and new families to our community.”
The District has now completed a number of steps towards updating the Economic Development Strategy. With an expected completion date of May 2021, work continues on building an inclusive and effective economic development program.


  • Regency Chrysler