The BC Wildfire Service will help Village of Clintons volunteer fire department conduct a 13-hectare prescribed burn north of the village sometime between April 1 and April 30, 2019, with the goal of reducing wildfire risks in the area.

The exact timing of this burn will depend on weather and site conditions. It will proceed only if conditions are suitable and will allow for quick smoke dissipation and low to moderate fire intensity.

Smoke and flames from this prescribed burn project may be visible north of the Village of Clinton and west of Highway 97. Firefighters will closely monitor this fire at all times.

The BC Wildfire Service often helps local governments plan and complete this type of fuel management work. Prescribed burns mimic naturally occurring ground fires and this burn will help maintain a fuel management project that was originally completed in 2009.

Reducing the amount of wood debris and other combustible materials in grassland and open forest areas helps slow the spread of wildfires. It will also provide firefighters with a safer work environment during any future wildfire operations in the area.

For information about fuel management and the Fire Smart program, visit the BC Wildfire Service website at:

To report a wildfire, unattended campfire or open burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 toll free or *5555 on a cellphone.

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