In this picture from left to right: Rick Takagi 100 Mile House Wranglers, Martina Dopf 100 Mile House Free Press, Robert Fry of CaribooRadio.Com, Walter Bramsleven Sitka Log Homes, Chad Swanson West Fraser Lumber, Angela Williams Western Financial Group, Jeremy Welch 100 Mile Painting, Vice-Chair Amanda Usher Andres Electronics, Chair-Christine Gallagher  Three R’s Construction.

Directors not able to attend: Ralph Myhill-Jones Timber Mart 100 Mile House, Jodi Christianson Rustic Elements, and Stacey Borge Williams Lake & District Credit Union


The South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce AGM was on May 8th at the Valley Room. The Chamber voted in five new directors and Christine Gallagher returns as the Chair and Vice-Chair-Amanda Usher.


The Chamber welcomes new directors: Vice-Chair Amanda Usher (Andres Electronics), Directors: Stacey Borge  (Williams Lake & Dist. Credit Union), Jodi Christianson (Rustic Elements), Walter Bramsleven (Sitka Log Homes), Angela Williams (Western Financial Group), and Martina Dopf; Publisher at the 100 Mile House Free Press.


Robyn Angus Events Coordinator for the the South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce organized the wine and cheese social that followed the AGM. The Iron Horse Pub, El Caballo and Sunflower Catering provided the delicious food and beverages.



The guest speaker was Walter Bramsleven. Wally is also very active with the Mount Timothy Recreation Resort formally known as Mt. Timothy Ski Hill. He spoke of some very exciting changes coming to the mountain which didn’t open last season.


Bramsleven started by thanking the former operating society of the hill for their 35 years of hard work and dedication in keeping the hill operating. Now that all the papers are signed the new owners are already preparing the Recreation Resort for the 2019-2020 season but the future plan is to have the resort area in operation for most of the year. Further into the future the Resort area will run year round.


The Ministry of Transport is taking over the maintenance of the road from Timothy Lake Rd. up to the bridge near the parking area. The road will be widened so two school buses can pass safely without having to stop. The new kitchen is almost done at the day lodge and a menu is in place for next season. There’s also plans for 10 campsites, access for snow mobiles and ATV’s and connecting Mount Timothy Recreation Resort to the Gold Rust Recreation trail. Also a tube park is coming to the hill and it will be able to start up earlier than ski hill.


“There’s no reason why we can’t host events such as weddings, reunions and other special events on the mountain top” said Bramsleven He also said the “Greeny Lake Volunteer Fire Department covers a 30km radius with 6 fire fighting vehicles that would be there in case of an emergency.” There’s also an 80,000 gallon pond up on the hill that can be use to pump water if necessary.


All positive news for the area! Welcome to all the new faces on the South Cariboo Chamber Board of Directors.





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