Road maintenance work on Hwy 20 between Hunlen Falls Turner Lakes Trailhead and Chipman Rd for 195.4 km (34 km east of Firvale to 39 km east of Tatla Lake). Watch for crew and equipment on road.
Bridge construction on Hwy 20 between Bagshaw Rd and MacKenzie Ave S (Williams Lake). Until Sun Oct 31. Lane Closure. Watch for traffic control. 3.6 m to 3.8 m width restriction. Wide loads confirm with CVSE.
Paving operations on Hwy 97 between Commodore Cres and Lynes Creek Rd for 18.7 km (3 km north of Williams Lake to 10 km north of Wildwood). Until Sat Oct 16. From 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM PDT on weekdays and Saturday. Single lane alternating traffic. Expect delays, watch for signage and personnel.
There are several crews working on our Cariboo Chilcotin highways, please check for all you BC Hwy updates.
Thanksgiving Dinner Fundraiser
Saturday, October 9th
Turkey Dinner with all the fixens & dessert.
By Donation
All proceeds will go to the –
Stemete7uw’i Friendship Centre,100 Mile House.
To place an order- PM Pam’s Food Services or call 250-398-0791
Work N Play Clothing
Regency Chrysler