Overcast skies for the next couple of days with temperature highs of 13. Check out DriveBC for all your highway updates.

Watch for the sweeping crews on Hwy 20 west of Hwy 97 in Williams Lake

Sweeping on Hwy 97, southbound between Nelson St and Edwards Rd for 18.0 kms between Quesnel and Kersley

There’s also a sweeping crew working 8 km north of Wildwood on Hwy 97.
North of Williams Lake

Maintenance crews can pop up anywhere this time of year. Please slow down through construction zones.

Theatre Royal Barkerville Presents 
The Phoenix Tour 
Friday, May 10th @ 7pm
Martin Exeter Hall 
Tickets $25 each 
Available at Donex 
Fundraiser for the 100 Mile Preforming Arts Society.

#caribooradio #caribooradiostation #radio #sunrisefordsales #sunriseFORD1 #roadreport #weather #highways #sweeping #roadmaintence #theatreroyalbarkerville #barkerville #southcariboo #cariboo #100milehouse

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