The District of 100 Mile House is pleased to announce that the Community Transition Marketing Project is now complete.
Funding approval was received early last year from Northern Development Initiative Trust’s Marketing Initiatives program. The project consisted of refreshing some of the municipality’s key communications and marketing tools, which are integral to resident attraction / retention efforts, community promotion, and investment attraction.

There were three key project components: building a new tourism website with enhanced functionality and updated appearance; developing a digital Relocation Guide; and creating a series of Investment Opportunity profiles.

The overall goal of the project was to enhance the District’s visitor, resident and investment attraction materials to better position the municipality to respond to economic transition. This was especially important in light of forestry impacts and wildfires, but now also to the economic impacts stemming from Covid-19. Investment attraction and business retention measures are integral to coping with economic diversification, which will ultimately sustain the local economy and the community.

The updated tourism website is already fully in use and the associated media channels are following suit. Julie Gilmore, Manager of the South Cariboo Visitor Centre, notes that she has received positive feedback on the attractiveness and functionality of the new website, and its new mobile-friendly feature that travelers increasingly demand. “It’s a professional product that meets visitor expectations, and our partners are thrilled to be part of it.”

Joanne Doddridge, Director of Economic Development and Planning, notes that the Relocation Guide will be shared with employers to help them with their recruitment efforts. “We know there is a deep labour shortage in 100 Mile House for all skill levels, trades and professions. So we are excited to share the Relocation Guide with employers to help them find the labour they need to keep their businesses successful and our local economy vibrant.”

The Investment Profiles are a tool to help focus and respond to investment inquiries, and they can be taken to trade shows, conferences and events to attract investment in tourism, retail, agriculture, remote/virtual workers, and forestry. These industry sectors complement the opportunities cited in the 2021 and Beyond Economic Development Strategy.

“Updating and enhancing our investment materials is one of the ways the District is assisting businesses to prosper,” says Mayor Mitch Campsall. “We are very pleased that the investment materials represent 100 Mile House in a realistic light, and we encourage local businesses to use the resources to your benefit.”

“It’s great to see communities such as 100 Mile House take advantage of our Marketing Initiatives program, especially when the focus is on resident and investment attraction,” said Joel McKay, CEO, Northern Development Initiative Trust. “The website, investment opportunities and a relocation guide to assist with recruitment will benefit the District well into the future.”

To see the investment and marketing materials, please visit:
Relocation Guide –
Investment Opportunity Profiles –
Also visit the new tourism website:
Discover South Cariboo –

Laura Kay Travel

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